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노마 (식당) 영어로

"노마 (식당)" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Noma (restaurant)
  • 노마    Noma
  • 식당    식당 [食堂] a dining room[hall]; (군대·공장 등의) a mess hall; (역·열차 내의) a buffet; a refreshment room; (대학·수도원 등의) a refectory; [음식점] a restaurant; (삼류 식당) an eating house. 간이 ~ a lunchroom / a lunch counter
  • 간이 식당    café; refreshment room; lunchroom; snack bar; tea room; eatery; grilling; buffet; restaurant; bistro; resto
  • 강식당    Kang's Kitchen
  • 경식당    tea room; coffee shop; cafe; coffeehouse
  • 무료 식당    soup kitchen
  • 식당 주인    boniface
  • 식당가    Restaurant districts and streets
  • 식당차    식당차 [食堂車] a dining car; a dining coach; a restaurant car; a diner; (서서 먹는) a buffet[refreshment] car. ~를 연결하다 attach a dining car to . 이 열차에는 ~가 연결되어 있습니다 This train has a dining car attached to
  • 윤식당    Youn's Kitchen
  • 작은 식당    dinette
  • 학교 식당    school cafeteria
  • 노마 레이    Norma Rae
  • 노마 바든    Norma Varden
  • 노마 벤겔    Norma Bengell
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